What is your success rate?
80/20 in terms of those who make 5 figures plus – we get over 50 high ticket clients a month (minimum), that’s a lot of volume. The more clients you get the harder it is to get 100% of results for numerous reasons. Unfortunately, even with all the tools in the world and highly individualized 1-1 coaching some individuals still won’t put the work in. However the 80% who do get results and hit their goals.
We also have a 60% resign rate and it’s a very expensive program so client satisfaction is high.
Long story short if you don’t like hard work and you blame others for where you are not a fit for you. If you want to follow someone who’s done 8 figures in sales in less than 2 years you won’t have any issue making a 6 figure income (even if your skills suck).
What exactly do we help people with?
Here’s a list of what we do…
– Help set up your funnels
– Help with copy
– Help with automations
– Help with emails
– Help with ads
– Help with client fulfillment
– Help with sales
– Help with messaging
– Help with organic
– Help with paid traffic
– 6 group calls a week
– unlimited 1-1 coaching
… we work together on a 1-1 basis to build your business from top to bottom.
At what point can we help people?
Beginner to expert. You don’t even need to have an offer yet. We will help you create one. Most people who think they have one don’t realize it won’t work or it’s an awful offer. If you’re paying us to help you let us help you build a solid foundation.
How is it possible to sell high ticket packages ($3000+)
Simple…perceived value. It’s the same reason Nike can sell a $160 shoe and why others can’t. Of course you want to actually offer great value, but it all comes down to perceived value. The best marketer wins, not the best coach or consultant.
That’s why we help you become a marketing master.
How did you become successful?
‘ve won 4 “2 Comma Club” awards which signifies and verifies that I’ve done a minimum of 1 million+ dollars in a single sales funnel. It can be more, but that’s the minimum.
I won my first two from building a multi-million dollar high ticket fitness business and I loved it. B2C is one of the hardest niches to be successful in and to often you see business coaches teaching things that have never had success on. But then tons of business owners and obviously lots of trainers wanted to know how I had done it.
As I am an ambitious person, love helping people, creating more impact, and of course making more money. It seemed logical to start opening my doors and helping people with my methods.
That is where the other 2 awards you see have come from. Between the two I created my digital kingdom and have helped thousands with my vast experience in both the b2c and b2b sectors.
Why is high ticket better than low ticket?
I could go on and on about this one but I’ll try to keep it brief.
Low ticket simply takes more skill, more money, more marketing experience, and has a much longer buying cycle.
Imagine only making $3000 in a month and then selling a $37 product where you were losing money trying to advertise it. Even worse if you were busting your butt to sell these things organically and had to sell ten to make $370.
Would that change your life or keep you stuck in the same spot?
Instead how about selling 1 package for $3000 and actually see your life changed.
High ticket should always be the starting point for a beginner or any entrepreneur under 7 figures a year.
What is the difference between your course and someone else's?
Two things. The first being I am one of the only individuals who has built a 7 figure b2c company and a 7 figure b2b company, most others out their teaching made their money from simply teaching and not doing.
it was important to me “I did” before I taught.
The second is that I created a massive company with revenue as high as 910k in less than 22 months. I don’t know how many others have done that but I assume it can’t be many. If you’re going to learn from someone learn from someone’s experience and not just from thoughts they come up with.
I've tried other programs but did not get results, how do I know this will work?
Again I’m teaching you the same methods and strategies that I personally use in my companies. If I can make millions I’m sure doing a minimum 6 figures is doable yes?
Also there’s a conditional money back guarantee so if you come in and don’t like what you see you can get your money back
I'm scared to make this decision
I get it I was exactly where you are. My first coach asked me for 5k and I only had 2k in my bank account.
Ironically the program in my opinion wasn’t even that great but I went on to make millions from taking that first step. It’s always scary at first because our brains tell us that they fear the unknown and because we don’t know what may happen.
I can't afford this program is there anything you can do for me?
Yes we have financing options as well as an option for you to use paypal credit where it’s 0% APR for 6 months.
If you’re interested in the financing option or have questions simply schedule a 20 minute call with our team and we can walk you through it.
How can I position myself as an expert without any case studies?
Everyone starts from zero, even me.
As long as you can demonstrate value, be relatable, and have passion when you speak people will follow you.
The biggest thing is making sure that you demonstrate those things and not simply walls of clients results.
How do I justify my pricing?
There are a few ways…
1. Because you deserve to be well paid for the things you do.
Why would you choose to get paid $50 when you can get paid $5000? Money isn’t everything but in life being well paid for what you do is not evil or wrong.
2. You’ll feel better about providing the service and enjoy it more.
When you give a lot of yourself to clients you want to feel like you’re being compensated well for it or you will start to resent them and the service.
If a client is asking for a lot but you are well paid then you don’t mind as much. If they are asking for a lot but pay very little it’s easy to start becoming resentful towards them.
3. Your clients will get better results
I’ve always noticed a trend that my clients get much better results when they pay more. Why?
Because we place more value on the things we pay for and even higher value on the things we pay the most for. By getting clients that pay more money you will notice they are more invested and will try harder than clients who do not.
Do you need to have a college degree to make a course?
Nope, I don’t have one. Dropped out with a year left in school but have seemed to do alright.
Do you have to be good with technology?
No I walk you through step by step on how to set everything up. Better yet i give you templates and documents that are all ready to rock and roll.
Do you have to be a good salesman?
Not necessarily. I walk you through how to become a killer salesman in this course with recorded audio files, scripts, and examples. But if you don’t want to do the calls it’s always something you can hire out.
I'm scared i won't be able to get my clients results?
As long as you know that you have something to offer people and can demonstrate it’s value then you should have no problem whatsoever helping others.
Everything is scary at the beginning, but after you get your feet wet you’ll find this crazy thought will leave you.
Do I need a following?
No I didn’t have one, and still really don’t have one.
It’s all about knowing how to get leads on demand and leveraging that. I know tons of people who have millions of followers but very little in the bank account.
Can I pay you after i make money back?
No. If you can’t bet on yourself I wouldn’t bet on you either.
Success is achievable for anyone but it does come with sacrifice. If I allowed that I would be doing you a great disservice.
If I purchase now can I start later?
is this for people just starting out or will this help me build my growing business?
It’s laid out in a fashion that even a beginner will understand but if you’re doing less than 7 figures a year or only run automated webinars this will help you tremendously.
Most of my students are in America, will this work for someone living outside the USA?
As long as you have the internet you’re good to. The only reason I have more students in America is because I live here so price points, time schedules, and languages are all similiar.
I have clients all over the world including Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, South America, New zealand, and more.
I am older, will this work for me?
Absolutely. In fact some of my best clients are older because they typically have the most money to invest.
If you’re older and can relate to the older demographics you will do exceptionally well.
I don't have experience and don't know what my niche is?
That’s ok we help anyone start from scratch.
How much money do I need on ads?
None at all actually. You can start making money without a single dollar in ad spend.
What if I need to ask someone for permission?
It’s always best to ask for forgiveness than permission. Take the leap and notify them later.
If you have to ask for permission from someone to be successful you will stay stuck. My family told me I was dumb for what I was doing and look at where I am today.
Can I speak with you 1-1-?
Absolutely. I go live in the facebook group weekly and comb through any questions you may have that I answer directly.